Brand Identity
Episode 87 – Branding Times … They are a Changin’
Some things in our culture disappear. Even in the world of branding, change happens. Part of the challenge of being in business is keeping tabs on changes that affect our operations. This is not to say you need to react to every change that comes your way … but you need to be sensitive to…
Read MoreEpisode 73 – Negative Newsjacking a Bad Idea
It’s been a while since we’ve talked about Newsjacking, but for our listeners, Newsjacking is when a brand or firm mentions or creates a campaign centered around a major, well-discussed news item. It’s slightly different from a publicity stunt in that the news item is leveraged in marketing while a stunt might acknowledge news within…
Read MoreEpisode 67 – I Just Can’t Help Myself
There’s a really big idea in the world of branding that’s an obvious question to ask by ALL business owners … but the idea is not so often seen as a branding issue. And, the question – this big idea – is, “How do I get customers to buy from me, instead of my competitors?”…
Read MoreEpisode 63 – Think Like Ron Popeil – Infomercials
Taking brand tips from infomercials for your products and services. Kids today live in a world where they have almost unlimited options of what we’re now referring to as “screen time.” All forms of screens: TV, tablets, mobile phones, and other devices. However, despite all that screen time, there’s a possibility they don’t know what…
Read MoreEpisode 62 – Cultural Considerations in Your Brand Strategy
Is your business growing internationally? Are you moving into foreign markets? WOOHOO! That’s awesome. It must mean your marketing strategy is working. Remember when we reviewed taglines and quite a few of the funnier gaffes had to do with mistranslations? Remember Kevin’s favorite? The Parker Pens tagline “It won’t leak in your pocket and embarrass…
Read MoreEpisode 61 – Rebranding Tales 2021
Join Kevin and Amy for another round of evaluating recent rebrand initiatives by well-known companies. Our listeners have started to get that we will almost always express strong words of caution whenever the topic of “RE-branding” is put on the table. Today we have a review of four biggies that have all happened this year. …
Read MoreEpisode 58 – Marketing the Outlaw Archetype
Amy is so excited for today! Her favorite: Marketing the Outlaw Archetype, and the one that represents her company Zeedia Media. Today’s podcast is for all you rebellious, contrarian, authority-questioners… for all you radical, free-spirited, wind-in-the-hair types! The Outlaw is also commonly referred to as The Rebel. The following are the most critical aspects of…
Read MoreEpisode 57 – Can Your Brand Go “Too Far?”
Is it possible for a brand to go “too far” with their messaging – even when they are staying on brand? Kevin and Amy discuss their thoughts on this podcast episode. What word would you use to describe a Jester brand that’s too Jestery? (Ridiculous) How about an Outlaw brand that’s too Outlaw? (Dangerous) A…
Read MoreEpisode 46 – A Hint of Blind Brand Evaluation
Happy New Year! Cheers to a new year and hopefully lots of positive changes. We are starting this new year by trying something new. Kevin picked a brand and asked Amy to watch 3 different videos by the Hint Water Company. The videos are embedded below. We suggest you watch them in order. After getting…
Read MoreEpisode 43 – Measuring Your Brand Effectiveness
How well are you measuring your brand effectiveness? Do you know how to measure it? “If you aren’t measuring your marketing you aren’t doing marketing. If you aren’t measuring your brand, you aren’t really branding.” ~ Kevin Skarritt, Co-Founder of Brand Archetypes and owner of Flock Marketing No truer words have been spoken about marketing…
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