The Big Idea: If you’re not having fun, you’re doing something wrong!
Several archetypes can be broken into 2 or more sub-archetypes. The Jester is one of those. The Sub-Archetypes are:

The Jester
Life is a playground, irreverent antics, lives fully in each moment. Bold, brash, fresh, and unexpected.

The Clown
Quick-witted and highly adaptable. Puts on a good show. Uses exaggeration and drama to make others laugh.

Is Your Business a Jester?
- If your business helps people have a good time
- If your employees enjoy what they are doing
- If your company culture allows employees to be more impulsive and spontaneous
- If you have the ability to think outside the box and come up with innovative ideas
- If you are a master at brainstorming, reframing concepts, and presenting new perspectives
- If you use clever or quirky a methods to help people see something differently
BE the Jester
Fun, energetic, exciting, anything is possible, did we say fun? Typical Jester brands will embody these positive ideas and brand attributes: They're playful and spontaneous ... they remind us to lighten up and live in the moment ... Jesters love to bend the rules, see things from a fresh perspective, and engage in out-of-the-box thinking.
Don't Be Wimpy
The real danger is to not be taken seriously and be perceived as annoying.
Jester brands fear being bored or boring to others. The Jester can also make light of things that are perhaps actually serious issues, or promote something that is not actually good for you (think junk food, alcohol, etc.) The negative side of The Jester also includes being seen as frivolous or disrespectful.
Dream BIG
Imagine having fun every day with your marketing! This isn't just a possibility, it's a guarantee!
Real possibilities happen when going head-to-head with less energetic brands (e.g. neighbor, innocent, mother) ... or going head-to-head with “serious” brands (e.g. ruler, outlaw, explorer, sage)
The Jester Archeytpe is only successful when it is embraced 100% ... not 99.99%
Examples of Great Jester Brands
Watch Some Great Jester Ads...