For several years now I’ve been intrigued by specific social movements in business. Particularly those that focus their efforts on ideas that will change the world for the better.
Probably the best example is the found in the work of Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus and his idea of forming the Grameen Bank, as outlined in his book “Building Social Business.” This micro-finance company, started 40 years ago, provides micro loans (as little as just a few dollars) to budding entrepreneurs in third world countries – primarily Bangladesh. Last year, Grameen reports that loans were provided to more than 9 MILLION members (97% women) in over 81 THOUSAND villages! It’s a fascinating story.
Other good reading on how to change the world:
- Philanthrocapitalism by Matthew Bishop and Michael Green
- How to Change the World – Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas by David Bornstein
- Social Entrepreneurship – What Everyone Needs to Know by David Bornstein and Susan Davis
Side note: If you click on any of the links above, you’ll see you’re directed to a sub-domain within Amazon called “Amazon Smile.” This is a feature within Amazon where you can designate that a portion of all your purchases go to a charity or non-profit of your choosing. Mine is set to my sister’s organization called “Silver Muzzle Cottage.” She runs a hospice for dogs in Northern Michigan. Be sure to check out her services. Absolutely sign up for Amazon Smile! … there’s no cost to you and every little bit helps.
So, what can YOU do?
Well, if you’ve selected any of the following archetypes as your brand strategy, you’ll find the answer easy:
- The Mother – Helping people through nurturing and caring
- The Hero – Boldly believing you can truly change the world
- The Lover – Passionately being the change you want to see
But that’s not to say you couldn’t apply the concept of changing the world to any archetype: Creatively changing the world (The Artist), Being the leader of world-change (The Ruler), Break the rules because they need to be broken if the world is truly going to be changed (The Outlaw), Boldly applying fresh new ideas in unexpected ways (The Jester), etc.
After having informal discussions on this topic for many years with clients, friends and family, I’ve sensed that the topic seems to be too big for most people (or companies) to wrap their heads around it. OF COURSE, it doesn’t seem possible that one person or one company can change the world. The good news is you don’t have to!! You only need to change it a little bit.
One Pizza Slice at a Time
I ran across this video this morning and it dawned on me that I haven’t written anything on this topic in a while … and not at all in the context of Archetype Branding. The idea is so beautifully simple, has daily impact on those who live around this company and so beautifully helps in their building of a powerful brand, what’s not to like? Check it out:
Little tweak of an idea … BIG impact!
Because these kinds of stories typically evoke strong emotions, they’re usually steeped in one clear archetype concept. If you have, or if you’ve seen or heard of any stories like this, please let us know in the comments below or connect with us on Facebook. We collect them and we’d love to hear yours.