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In today’s episode, Kevin flies solo again while Amy is working on the Michigan Mob’s Marketing Outstanding Brands Summit (Happening in just a few weeks! More on that in a bit.)
Kevin Breaks down five episodes from the relatively new brand, Ladder Life Insurance. They get classified into three groups; The Good, The Bad, and …. you guessed it … The Ugly. Here’s the breakdown:
The Bad
- Here’s the first video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNmgYjFHxDs - It’s a shortened version of the next video. HOWEVER, because all the cute, funny stuff has been removed (for the sake of brevity), the commercial comes off as shocking/disturbing.
- When you think the wife has just allowed a crocodile to eat her husband, you hear from the other side of the door, “I’m okay!” Hmmmm…. a pretty weak attempt at deflecting the shock.
The Good
- Family tries to kill the father:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvYGO4o334I- Although this longer version is identical thematically, it comes off as being about cute and quirky ways that a family might “off” the Dad. And, yes, we realize that it’s hard to “get” the nuance by describing the commercial with words … which is why you should watch the two back-to-back, to see, hear and feel the difference.
- Dad talks with daughter:
The Ugly
- Generic insurance message
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjhSJl4bJfE- For me, this one just falls flat on its face. In one short commercial, they talk about:
- How to get a quote, eligibility, their efficient process, pricing, how flexible they are, fees, how it’s easy to cancel.
- Could it BE more about them? I don’t think so.
- For me, this one just falls flat on its face. In one short commercial, they talk about:
- Testimonials Ad – Off brand
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CFQHsMNDqY- This one, because of the video testimonials, comes across feeling like “The Neighbor” archetype
- There’s nothing wrong with this, however, it feels like a mistake after watching a couple of attempts at creating their Jester ads. They should pick one approach and stick with it.
Are you an agency or someone who just loves marketing?
You’re in for a treat. Check out the Michigan Mob’s
“Marketing Outstanding Brands Summit!”
Are you seriously going to miss this event?
The 1st Annual Marketing Outstanding Brands Summit is coming up on May 6, 2022.
You have to market your business. Why not learn from our area’s best experts?
Presentations include:
- Perfecting Instagram Reels
- Starting and Running a Large Facebook Group
- How to Start A Podcast
- Creating a Brand that REALLY Stands Out
- How to Use Canva
Space is limited so don’t delay in getting your tickets.
Get your tickets here: BUY TICKETS NOW!
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Find more info and see the lineup of incredible speakers here.