As the famous Chinese proverb (or curse) says, “May you live in interesting times.”
We are definitely living in interesting times. In light of recent injustices and movements like Black Lives Matter, many companies are taking a good, long hard look at their brands to ensure they are not stereotyping or misrepresenting cultures. Many are making very good changes for very good reasons.
For example, many professional sports teams have changed their name over the past years due to lack of sensitivity in using Native American names and a symbols.
Very recently, Quaker Oats (a subsidiary of PepsiCo, a brand since 1889) made the choice to retire and change the name of their Aunt Jemima products. “Aunt Jemima” is derived from the minstrel song “Old Aunt Jemima” by Billy Kersands, a popular black comedian in the late 19th century.
The Dark Side of Brand
Join Kevin and Amy as they explore these and other examples of brands who are making the shift. Consider why it is important to always evaluate your brand for insensitivity and possibly racism.
Sidenot: We took great care in not discussion political viewpoints in this episode, but to make it about brand and the choices companies make when it is time to change a brand.
We welcome, as always, your respectful and insightful comments and opinions about this timely and sensitive topic.
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Next Up: Interview with Rafael Barbosa, owner of Centercut Marketing in Boston.