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Let’s wave our magic wands and transform you from your office, home or car into a fantastical world of Brand Archetypes where Kevin and Amy throw glitter at each other. Ok, not really.
The Magician Archetype is all about transformation. It is not about trickery or slight of hand, as the name may suggest. We often refer to it as “The Butterfly.”
Successful Magician brands deliver experiences and products that no one else can. They see things other people can’t and bring them to life. The Magician taps into the laws of the universe and reveals ideals, truths, and possibilities. The Magician makes people feel intrigued, fascinated and enlightened. The Magician transforms lives!
The Magician might be right for you…
- Does your business provide life-changing products and services?
- Is your business on the cutting edge of your industry?
- Is your brand based on intrigue, enlightenment, renewal, rebirth, growth or transformation?
- Are your products/services differentiated from competitors by providing a transformation or better way of doing things?
- Do your products, services or processes feel, in any way, magical?
If you said “yes” to any (or a lot) of the above, you just may be a Magician!
Up Next: The Innocent