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The Mother Archetype is one of the easiest to recognize and relate to. It instills feelings of comfort and being cared for. No one supports you and loves you like your mama does!
Customer service is crucial to this brand, as is trust and understanding. The energy is low but the love flows freely. This archetype is popular with the healthcare industry (which makes sense) but to truly stand out from your competition you should always consider veering away from what your competitors are doing.
Join Amy and Kevin as they explore The Mother Archetype, give examples, and laugh about Amy’s less than motherly-bedside manner.
Is Your Business a Mother?
- Do your customers feel supported and care for?
- Is customer service a high priority?
- Do your customers value security and loyalty?
- Are your products and services supportive, healthy or service oriented?
- Do people buy your products and service because they are “part of the family?”
If you said “yes” to any (or a lot) of the above, you just may be a Mother!
Next Up: The Lover Archetype