Few micro, small and medium-sized businesses have gone through a formal process of creating a brand strategy. Let alone one that will consistently drive their company down a path where they build consistency and power. Brand awareness is critical to a company that wants to move forward … and not slide backward to their old ways.
Until the company’s brand evangelists build a knee-jerk process of thinking about the brand focus AT EVERY TURN, it is almost inevitable that they will frequently miss out on opportunities to strengthen their brand instead of diluting it.
If a brand evangelist is conditioned to intuit items that may be seen as “off brand” to others, they will be able to take action, regardless of how miniscule the issue may seem outwardly. Great brands rarely, if ever, make mistakes and this high level of performance (like any complex endeavor) is one that takes effort, focus, determination and commitment.
Start Your Brand Awareness With Our Questionnaire
If you take our brand questionnaire, you’ll be taking a step down a path where you’ll discover a concept that is MUCH easier to embrace and to which you and your team can embrace daily.
What happens if you DON’T develop an innate sense of brand focus? Take a long look at the photo above. The employees of this company, come and go to their job through these doors on a daily basis. How many of them either didn’t make note of the brand gaff or, worse yet, discount the importance of eliminating mistakes, regardless of how minor they are.
Now, this particular example is not related to a brand archetype, but it is a demonstration of the kinds of gaffs and inconsistencies that can creep into your brand if the strategy is not tended to on a daily basis.
What to do? Come on in. Take the questionnaire. Discover a single powerful idea that may well change your brand awareness and how you view your company forever. Brand nirvana is just a few steps through that door!