Archive for April 2021
Episode 60- Marketing the Magician Archetype
We had a request from one of our listeners, Zoe, to review Marketing the Magician archetype. And, if you recall, her company is a line of skincare products. We waved our magic wand and VOILA! — Here we are. Are you ready? If you’ve been listening to the past couple of episodes, we have, so…
Read More59 – Marketing the Innocent Archetype
Join Kevin and Amy as they slow down and reminisce about the good ‘ole days while discussing Marketing the Innocent Archetype. The gang starts by dissing Coca-Cola’s latest commercial for being widely off-brand. Watch it and let us know if you agree. The main concepts of the Innocent brand are: #1 Simplicity Remove chaos from…
Read MoreEpisode 58 – Marketing the Outlaw Archetype
Amy is so excited for today! Her favorite: Marketing the Outlaw Archetype, and the one that represents her company Zeedia Media. Today’s podcast is for all you rebellious, contrarian, authority-questioners… for all you radical, free-spirited, wind-in-the-hair types! The Outlaw is also commonly referred to as The Rebel. The following are the most critical aspects of…
Read MoreEpisode 57 – Can Your Brand Go “Too Far?”
Is it possible for a brand to go “too far” with their messaging – even when they are staying on brand? Kevin and Amy discuss their thoughts on this podcast episode. What word would you use to describe a Jester brand that’s too Jestery? (Ridiculous) How about an Outlaw brand that’s too Outlaw? (Dangerous) A…
Read MoreEpisode 56 – HA! GOTCHA! – April Fool’s Branding Pranks
Do you know the history of April Fools Day? Well, there isn’t a definitive story on the origins of this event. Some say it’s somehow related to a papal bull by Pope Gregory XIII changed, by decree, the first day of the year from late March/early April, to January 1st. Supposedly, the people who didn’t…
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